Important Gynae Points
1. Hemolytic disease of newborn = mother is D –ve and neonate D+ve
2. Large SPH = mistaken dates
3. Small SPH = mistaken dates
4. Aim of safe motherhood = care by skilled health personal for child birth (tt)
5. Risk factor of thromboembolism in pregnancy = throbophilia
6. Complication relevant to twin prg = preterm (tt)
7. Massive PPH = uterine atony
8. Anemia in pregnancy = iron deficiency
9. Stop bleed after uterine atony = massage
10. Regard NTD = anecephalocele, encephalocele, spina bifida
11. Purpose of booking visit = risk assessment
12. Early pregnancy scan = confirm dates
13. Screening = rubella
14. Oogenesis =diploid cell produce haploid by meiosis
15. Polyhyraminons = occur in uncontrolled diabetes
16. Android pelvis = deep transverse arrest
17. Gravid = all pregnancy including current
18. Important point in obstetric history = recurrent miscarriage
19. Reassuring sign in labor = head engage , longitudinal lie, clear amniotic fluid, adequate pelvis, rupture membrane
20. Most common cause of still birth worldwide= antepartum hemorrhage
21. Best regarding implantation = secretion of HCG start after implantation
22. Fetal blood = reticulocyte more
23. Chorionic villous sampling = done after 10 week
24. Uterine involution = return of uterus to its normal size of 100 gram
25. Embryonic period = 4-10 weeks
26. Bishop score less than 5 = vaginal pessaries
27. 2 breach vaginal history, now again breech = bicornate uterus
28. Fetal acidosis = FBS
29. Shifting patient = uterus is empty, no products
30. Women with rubella IgG –ve = susceptible women should be advised against exposure
31. Secondary PPH = retained product of conception
32. Case of uterine inversion = push it back with compression
33. Reproduction = spermatogenesis is formation of mature sperms
34. High MMR = pulmonary hypertension
35. No of primary oocyte at birth = 2 million
36. Development arrest of ovum = metaphase II
37. Genetic sex = conception
38. Gestational sac visible = HCG> 1500
39. Development of ovary = two week later to testis and grow slowly
40. BP during pregnancy = decrease
41. Baby, tachypenic, grunting, cyanotic = RDS
42. Best assessment of age at 12 week = CRL
43. Best assessment at 12-20 week = BPD, HC, FL
44. Identification of choronicity = monochorionic has increase mortality
45. Nucal transluancy seen on u/s = 11-13 week
46. Prenatal screen of CHD = one sibling and father affected has risk of 2%
47. Twin mortality 6 time more than single = preterm
48. Antihypertensive in pregnancy = methyldopa
49. Feature showing abruption = tense tender abdomen
50. Mitral stenosis patient, intervention = avoid ergotamine
51. Pre pregnancy counseling of mitral stenosis patient = cardiac function
52. Screening of DM = OGTT
53. Hyper-Thyroid female = still birth
54. MCV < 60, investigation = serum ferritin
55. Purities and sleep disturbance in pregnancy = cholestasis of pregnancy
56. Detection of Hepatitis B = Hbs Ag
57. Regard hepatitis B = breast feed immediately after active and passive immunization
58. Anatomy of female pelvis = has three planes
59. Fetal scalp = bones approximated, not fused
60. Attitude of fetus = flexion or extension of head relative to upper cervical spine
61. Normal duration of labor = < 8 hour in multipara
62. Syntocinon not given in multi-para = uterine rupture, uterine hyper-stimulation, uterine inertia, fetal compromise
63. Partogaram = show events of Labor
64. Best about Labor = spontaneous, single, between 37-42 weeks
65. Contra of ventous = face presentation
66. Contra of forceps = head high up
67. Principal of ventous = head, not just scalp should descend with each pull
68. Breach delivery = call senior help
69. Secure bleeding = secure angles of incision of CS
70. Position in CS = tilted left lateral with head down
71. Previous CS, lower segment placenta now = placenta accrete
72. Indication of c. hysterectomy = p. previa
73. Female in Labor since 16 hour, cervix 16 cm = cervical dystocia
74. Female 32 week, 40 week SPH, fluid thrill = polyhydramnos
75. Child died, cord felt on vaginal exam = cord prolapsed
76. Female in Labor, raised BP and fits = termination of pregnancy
77. Female in current pregnancy, previous 3 birth, 2 live, one still and one miscarriage = G5 P 3+1
78. At 34 week, Hb 7 gram = infusion of iron sucrose
79. Neonatal admin in UK = 10 %
80. Apgar = grimace is response to suction catheter
81. Lactation amenorrhea = due to decrease LH pulse
82. Most import feature of contraception = effectiveness
83. Not cause of fits = diazepam over dose
84. Epithelium of vagina = stratified squamous
85. Size of uterus = 7.5*5*3
86. Ph of vagina = 3.5-4.5
87. 7 year old girl with menstruation = GnRH analogue
88. Proliferative phase = mitosis seen in stroma and glands
89. 20 year old, married 10 month, present with prim amenorrhea = height
90. Primary amenorrhea, most comprehensive history = development history
91. Best to confirm anovulatory cycle= ultrasound
92. Sequence of test for sec. amenorrhea = pregnancy, Prolactin, Tsh, Lh
93. Amenorrhea due to exercise = hypothalamic failure
94. Early pregnancy loss in endometriosis = luteal phase deficiency
95. Coitus interrupts = timing
96. Contraindication of IUCD = malformation of uterus
97. Contraindication of IUCD = active PID
98. Minilab = reversible sterilization
99. Women had evacation of hm, need contraceptive advice = COC
100. Important point about coitus = coitus frequency
101. Intrauterine insemination = Check tubal patency
102. Constant feature of ectopic pregnancy = amenorrhea, pain and syncope
103. Women missed cycle 7 days ago = Check serum beta HCG
104. Abortion due to trauma, consul = missed abortion not due to trauma
105. Partial mole incidence = 1:700
106. Partial mole = triploid
107. Initial diagnosis for pregnancy = beta HCG
108. Characteristics of leiomyomata = urinary frequency, varicose veins, menorrhagia, pain, subfertility
109. Treatment of endometriosis = OCP given without break
110. Epithelial ovarian tumor = peak incidence 50-69
111. Ovarian cyst = torsion
112. Colposcopy = cervix
113. Urine tract endometriosis = cyclical hematuria and dysuria
114. Treatment of VIN III = excision biopsy
115. Vulvar cancer in form of nodule = Radical Vulvectomy
116. 2nd trimester miscarriage = bacterial vaginosis
117. Color less vaginal discharge, increase in pre-menstrual phase = physiological discharge
118. Women had abortion followed by infection = Chlamydia
119. something coming out of vagina + urinary symptoms = cysto-urethrocele
120. spontaneous + provoked contraction of bladder = detrusor instability
121. symptom of cystocele = urine frequency
122. cause of Utero-Vaginal prolapsed = child birth
123. vasomotor symptoms of menopause = hot flush and night sweets
124. contra to HRT =active liver disease
125. breast exam to exclude = tumors
126. Inter-menstrual bleeding not responsive to progesterone = cervical polyp or either cervical ectropion
127. Endometrium showing nuclear atypical and disordered growth = atypical hyperplasia
128. Secondary amenorrhea since 6 month, heavy vaginal bleed, now biopsy show = proliferative phase
129. Endometrial polyp diagnosis = hysteroscopy
130. What if dead embryo left inside = infection
131. Regarding methotrexate = give if Embryo less than 3.5 cm
132. Slow growing mass in lower abdomen since 6 months = ovarian cyst, fibroid
133. First stage of puberty = growth spurt
134. Commonest presentation benign ovarian tumor = Asymptomatic
135. gold standard of ectopic = laparoscopy
136. women underwent D&E, presents with bleed = RPOC
137. female files litigation = histology report
138. women para 6, something coming out vagina = UV prolapsed
139. 6 month old infertile couple, most imp question = age of female partner
140. Mandatory for assisted reproduction = controlled ovarian stimulation
141. Posterior vagina fornix = culdocentesis
142. 18 year old female, anemic, menorrhagia = mefanimic acid (
143. Endometrium = supplied by spiral arteries (tt)
144. 42 year, Obese, hypertensive women, menorrhagia = endometrial carcinoma
145. Ovulation sign = basal body temp (most reliable sign)
146. Risk of DVT = 1 %
147. Degree of menorrhagia = no of tampons
148. Post pill amenorrhea = suppression of hypothalamus (mechanism of action)
149. External feature of turner Syndrome = webbed neck
150. Menorrhagia, normal uterus, normal ovary = DUB
151. You chose laparoscopy for infertile women = endometriosis is visible (they meant to ask most common cause of infertility)
152. 4*4 cm fibroid near cervix = hysterectomy
153. Ovarian tumors = BSOP and hysterectomy for over 45 year (treatment)
154. 38 year old menorrhagia need contraception = levonorgesterol IUD
155. case of molar pregnancy investigation – X-ray and suction
156. 2nd degree UV prolapse treatment - vaginal hysterectomy with anterior Colporrhaphy
157. gold standard for endometriosis -laparoscopy
158. indication for hysteroscopy – bleeding (investigation)
159. uroflowmetry is a part of routine uroflodynamics
160. Women present with excessive bleeding-.hysteroscopy (Investigation)
161. Regarding ovarian tumors- most common benign is serous cystadenoma
162. IU LNG-It is also used in menorrhagia